Thursday, June 17, 2010

Coming Someday: A New Man For Kate Gosselin!

Filed under: Kate Gosselin

A new man for Kate Gosselin ... may be pursued. Someday. There is no actual news here, despite what the splashy cover of the magazine below tries to imply.

Note how OK! shrewdly does not name said man, or state that Kate is even dating someone. Because she's not. Talk about misleading ... true, but misleading!

It’s been a year since she split with Jon, though, so time to start up the Kate Gosselin dating rumors, even if she says she's still healing and doesn't have time.

That doesn't sell magazines, though, so they give us vague reports about how the 35-year-old is "changing her controlling ways" and "ready for romance again."

We'll believe the former when we see it.

A New Man For Kate!
Only in theory, of course.

“Kate knows she can be a little controlling at times, and she’s working on that aspect of her character,” a source tells OK!. Right. Sure she is. Jon Gosselin is supposedly working on his wardrobe and penchant for lies and mediocre girls, too.

Yesterday, we reported how a new Kate Gosselin dating show may be in the works. Even that we can't really see, despite the fact that she's a ratings goldmine.

The magazine also says Kate's getting support from none other than Jon in her quest to move on. Another claim you could never refute with fact. Pure genius.

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